Fondo Capital AG
Verenastr. 4b
CH-8832 Wollerau

T: +41 554621550

© Fondo Capital AG 2024


This publication is for the sole benefit and use of the client or the person to whom it has been delivered by a representative of Fondo Capital AG. It is based on specific facts and circumstances and prepared for specific purpose. It is not intended to be, and may not be, relied on by any other person.

Without the prior written consent of Fondo Capital AG it shall not be copied, referred to or disclosed, in whole or in part.

The information and opinions expressed in this publication were produced by Fondo Capital AG as of the date of the presentation and are subject to change. Fondo Capital AG is not obliged to update the publication and it should be noted that significant events may have occurred since the date of the publication. Although the information has been obtained from and is based upon sources that Fondo Capital AG believes to be reliable, no representation is made that the information is accurate or complete. Any reference to past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.

This publication does not constitute an offer or solicitation to any person in any jurisdiction and is not intended a recommendation for an investment or as a sufficient basis for an investment decision and Fondo Capital AG does not accept liability for any loss arising from such use. An investment in a target described in this publication should be made only after careful study of the most recent prospectus and a comprehensive due diligence on the targeted assets. Fondo Capital AG recommends that investors independently assess, with professional advisors, financial, legal, regulatory, credit, tax and accounting consequences before making a final investment decision.

Privacy Policy:

1. Personal data protection

Data protection is a matter of great importance for Fondo Capital AG (FC or the Company) since it guarantees the client confidentiality and security in managing personal data. FC is required to protect the privacy of the client and respect the obligation of confidentiality and for this reason applies a high standard of technical and organisational protection based on its operational structure.

This declaration has the purpose of providing clients with information regarding the data that the Company collects, the reason and the procedure for using them, the legal basis of data processing, their storage and the rights of the client as our obligations in relation to said processing.

2. Definition

The concept of personal data is extended to general and biometric data that uniquely identify a natural person.

3. Collected data

The data we gather and use depend substantially on the services requested or agreed. According to the service, FC processes the following personal data (non-comprehensive list):

Besides the data provided directly or according to client consent, FC also draws on other public sources, e.g. Internet, World-Check, land registers, company registers, media, printed material or information that is transmitted to us by authorised third parties.

To the extent that the client communicates to FC information regarding natural persons involved in the business relationship (e.g. family members, financial beneficiaries, legal successors, representatives, etc.), FC invites the client to make available a copy of this declaration to these third parties.

4. Purposes of data processing and legal basis

We always process personal data for a specific purpose and to the extent that it is necessary to achieve this purpose. Within the scope of the business relationship with the client, we need to gather and process personal data, which are essential for performing the proxy, as well as to fulfil legal and contractual obligations related to it, to provide the services requested by the client and to execute orders.

The processing of data is therefore necessary:

Consent to the processing of personal data does not apply for the purposes of the general data protection regulation of 2016/679 (GDPR) of the European Union. For GDPR purposes, in principle the Company refers to the legal basis of fulfilling the legal or contractual obligations, to the implementation of the pre-contractual measures or protection of legitimate interests (according to the Privacy Policy). Please note that this does not affect any consent provided for other reasons, for example in compliance with the federal law on data protection or banking secrecy.

If the personal data collected are necessary to fulfil a legal or regulatory obligation or to enter into a proxy agreement with the client directly, if it is not possible to get hold of such data, FC could find itself unable to sign the mandate.

The personal data are processed in accordance with legal provisions, such as – more specifically – the Federal data protection act, the Federal financial services act and the federal money laundering act.

The purposes of the processing also include the determination of creditworthiness, identity and age, prevention of fraud and money laundering, as well as risk analysis, examination, assessment and management.

5. Persons authorised to access the data

All FC staff members are authorised to handle the personal data to the extent in which this is necessary to fulfil the contractual, legal or supervisory obligations, as well as to protect legitimate interests.

FC can share the personal data with those who operate as representatives of the client or are involved in the management of the business relationship, in particular:

FC is committed to ensuring that all third party providers of such services respect the data protection standard.

The personal data may be communicated to public regulatory or governmental authorities and institutions or when such authorities request it.

Clients can ask the Company to which recipients or categories of recipients their data have been transmitted.

6. Duration of data storage

In principle, FC stores the personal data as long as they are necessary for the purposes for which they were collected. In asset management or financial advisory proxies, for the whole duration of the contractual relationship plus another ten years after the termination, that which corresponds to the statute of limitations period for legal actions related to contractual or non-contractual claims to be enforced against the Company. Ongoing judicial or supervisory proceedings may lengthen the storage period.

FC also stores personal data in compliance with legal requirements. On expiry of the respective periods, such data are deleted or destroyed.

7. Rights of the client

With reference to their personal data, the client has the following rights in the area of data protection:

8. Data security

Technical and organisational measures have been adopted to ensure the security of the information collected and processed from illicit access, loss, improper use, modification, falsification and destruction. However, since it is not possible to guarantee total security of data for communications via e-mail, instant messaging and similar communication means, it is advisable to send particularly confidential information using secure alternative means (e.g. registered mail).

9. Modification of personal data

FC undertakes to maintain the data of its client correct and up to date. We invite clients to inform us as soon as possible in the event that data should change. In case of significant changes, FC will inform the client appropriately.

FC reserves the right to amend this privacy policy from time to time. The text of the current version is always available on